I will be absent from October 1, 2024

You can reach me at Beter Geven again starting July 1, 2025.

After 30 years of working in the philanthropic sector, it is a perfect time to take a ‘sabbatical’ leave. I will be shifting my attention to other activities. From philanthropy advice to some time for myself in which I will travel, write, photograph, be creative, and have more time to visit my family abroad. I’m really looking forward to it.

If you need professional advice I recommend you contact one of these trusted consultants:

Monique Bais: www.mbwfilantropieadvies.nl
Otto Beelaerts: www.philosadvisors.com
Rien van Gendt: www.rienvangendt.com
Liesbeth Nagelkerke: www.reachout2.nl
Pieter Stemerding: www.philosadvisors.com

Hope to see you again after July 2025!

Vanaf 1 oktober 2024 ben ik afwezig en vanaf 1 juli 2025 kunt u mij bij Beter Geven weer bereiken.

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I will be absent from October 1, 2024. You can reach me at Beter Geven again starting July 1, 2025.

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